Peer-reviewed publications

“Populism and Misinformation.” Forthcoming, The Ideational Approach to Populism (Angelos Chryssogelos et al., eds.). New York: Routledge. (with Nina Wiesehomeier and Ethan Busby)

“Decider in Chief? Why and How the Public Exaggerates the Power of the Presidency.” 2023. Political Research Quarterly. (with Scott Clifford, Brendan Nyhan, and Kasey Rhee)

Evaluating the Effects of Vaccine Messaging on Immunization Intentions and Behavior: Evidence from Two Randomized Controlled Trials in Vermont.” 2021. Vaccine. (with Katherine Clayton, Christine Finley, Meredith Graves, and Brendan Nyhan)

The Effects of Corrective Information about Disease Epidemics and Outbreaks: Evidence from Zika and Yellow Fever in Brazil.” 2020. Science Advances. (with John Carey, Victoria Chi, Brendan Nyhan, and Thomas Zeitzoff)

“Misinformation, Economic Threat, and Public Support for International Trade.” 2020. Review of International Political Economy. (with Yusaku Horiuchi and Dong Zhang)

More Accurate, But No Less Polarized: Comparing the Factual Beliefs of Government Officials and the Public.” 2020. British Journal of Political Science. (with Nathan Lee, Brendan Nyhan, and Jason Reifler)

Misinformation and the Justification of Socially Undesirable Preferences. 2019. Journal of Experimental Political Science. (with Yanna Krupnikov)

Secessionist Social Services Reduce the Public Costs of Civilian Killings: Experimental Evidence from the United States and United Kingdom.” 2018. Research & Politics. (with Megan A. Stewart)

Studying Framing Effects on Political Preferences: Existing Research and Lingering Questions.” In Doing News Framing Analysis II: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives (Paul D’Angelo, ed.). New York: Routledge. 2018. (with Ethan Busby and James N. Druckman)

Explaining Opposition to Refugee Resettlement: The Role of NIMBYism and Perceived Threats.” 2017. Science Advances. (with Jeremy A. Ferwerda and Yusaku Horiuchi)

The Nature and Origins of Misperceptions: Understanding False and Unsupported Beliefs about Politics.” 2017. Advances in Political Psychology. (with Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler)

How Partisan Conflict in Congress Affects Public Opinion: Strategies, Outcomes, and Issue Differences.” 2016. American Politics Research. (with Laurel Harbridge)

Other publications

“The role of an informed public in democratic systems.” In Democracy Affirming Technologies: Aligning Technology with Public Interest and Social Good. Policy report for Tech4Democracy, IE Center for the Governance of Change and US Department of State. 2023.

“Who believes fake news in Spain?” 2020. Social Observatory of La Caixa. (with Nina Wiesehomeier). Versión en español

In progress (selected)

“Populism and belief in fake news: Experimental evidence from four countries” (with Nina Wiesehomeier). Under review.

“Socioeconomic, informational, and attitudinal predictors of fake news belief” (with Gulizar Haciyakupoglu and Nina Wiesehomeier). Under review.

“Skills or motivation? Pathways to digital literacy among European youth” (with Carlos Lastra-Anadón). [pre-registration]

“Political knowledge as inoculation against misinformation.” 

“Validating self-reported, human coded, and automated measures of emotion” (with Nina Wiesehomeier).