
I teach courses on political behavior and quantitative methods. In recent years, these courses have included

  • Econometrics and Data Analytics (Master’s lecture, IE)
  • Data Analytics for Decision Making (Master’s lecture, IE)
  • Comparative Politics of Europe and North America (Master’s lecture, IE)
  • Surveys and Experiments (Master’s seminar, IE)
  • Public Opinion and Political Communication (undergrad lecture, IE)

Awards for teaching excellence (based on student evaluations at IE): 2018–19, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23, 2023-24, 2024-25.


“Causal Inference and Experiments.” GESIS Spring Seminar, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. March 2021.

“Survey Experiments and Causal Inference.” Summer School in Survey Methodology, Pompeu Fabra University. July 2019, 2020. More info.

“Designing and Implementing Survey Experiments.” Hebrew University of Jerusalem. December 2019.

“Best Practices in Combating Misinformation: Lessons from Experimental Research.” Workshop on Understanding and Countering Online Falsehoods, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), November 2019. More info.

“Experimental Research in Legislative Studies.” ECPR Summer School on Parliaments, University of Lisbon. August 2019. More info.

Thesis advising

I have capacity to advise a limited number of Master’s and undergraduate theses per year. If you are interested in working with me, please contact me with a short (1-page) memo that outlines your proposed project as early as possible, ideally in the fall semester. Students with whom I work will be required to conduct original data analysis in some form. They should also expect to meet with me at least twice monthly throughout the spring semester.


Guidelines for using citations in research papers
Help with R error messages
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